Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Garden Update!

Weed Pile
       Well its been a week or so since I last updated you all on the garden. Last week Denzel and I went over to go weeding. Boy were there a lot of those suckers! After our little battle upon the unwanted vegetation we went around picking up all our fallen adversaries and piling them up.

       Since then we have had double the weeds come in. And I am finding myself now searching for machetes online. They do have them for sale on Amazon under tools & home improvement if anyone was interested. How does a machete help with home improvement?

      So fast forward to today I finally was able to buy a 100ft hose so we didn't have to walk across the field to fill up the watering cans. Since mother nature has decided to grace us with a heatwave we are going to have to start watering twice a day to keep the soil moist. Between the new watering schedule and this sun expect to see many pictures next week of our little babies because I think they wont be babies anymore.


1 comment:

  1. You should add the picture of all of the weeds piled up! It was insane, if I recall.
